TV-kun no Kimochi 6

Sorry about the wait, there were things and stuff. To appease the scanlation gods I offer the 6th chapter of Terebi, which does involve loving consensual sex, so if you're not into that kinda thing get out now!

Chapter 6: Mediafire

Past the jump I've got a spiel about a translation choice I made, most suitable to be read after the chapter.

Translation note: weak-kneed mess
I mulled over this phrase a lot more than is probably healthy, and actually made me hold back typesetting the chapter so I think I need to write this out just to justify the time I spent using my grey matter. I also know that some people like their translations to be as literal as possible (sometimes it isn't!), so here's a long-winded explanation.

The original phrase is "骨抜きにしてやる" - I'll debone you/make you spineless - I suppose would be a close literal translation. "Honenuki" by itself can mean to lack integrity or moral backbone, so Murayama is basically saying that he's gonna sex up Sudou to the point that he's lost all his morals and loses himself in pleasure.

Err... so it does sound a little weird to say to someone in bed "I will morally debone you", almost to the point I don't think anyone's ever said that out loud, ever (new insult?); plus "I will make you get lost in pleasure" or "till you're begging for it" doesn't have that lovely figurative speech thang going with the spine and all. Also, a later chapter title uses the phrase "Honenuki-kun", which makes a more literal translation "Mr. Lost-in-pleasure" or "Mr. Deboned" not look that great on the page, it really does lose that oomph.

So I chose weak-kneed mess - it's less direct but still implies "giving up" to his pleasures but not as strongly implying cowardice like the word spineless (which also sounds very much unsexy).

tl;dr: I was a bit liberal with my translation.


  1. Thank you so much for this one XD

  2. Thank you very much! I don'tthink your choice was bad. Many phrases in Japanese only make sense to me when written in Japanese and if I try to turn them to English they make no sense XD

  3. Thanks for the update and the explanation. I believe your choice was a good one for the scene.

  4. I'd wait any time necessary anyway to read good yaoi ^^Thanks!

  5. Oh my! this chapter was the cutest *.*
    uwah~ so adorable!!
    Thank you so much for your hard work! <3
    I kinda love reading translation notes so it was interesting to read your explanation & thoughts and from what I understand
    (me not knowing any japanese & english is second language) your choice was very fitting, like a short version of
    "gonna sex up Sudou to the point that he's lost all his morals and loses himself in pleasure"
    Yeah debone and spineless isn't exactly sexy haha

    1. Thanks for popping by again ^^

      I'm glad you found the note interesting, I didn't want the readers to lose any information but I didn't want the dialogue to sound weird lol.

  6. Thank you!! I already forgot what happened in previous chapters XD, stupid me) Go chwck the chapter)

  7. -------(((☼ロ☼)-------→!!


    hnnnnng sudou why are you so adorable, i can't take it. please stop blushing. i will pop an artery. murayama wasn't half-bad either, i really like the straightforward types. there's so much moe in this chapter, ugh.

    hahaha i think your phrasing was great! "i will morally debone you" is hilariously awkward, must find ways to work it into a conversation.

    thanks so much for this chapter!

    1. My feelings exactly!! Sudou is lovely, and with Murayama they are just sugary sweet haha.

      Please, do! Haha, if you ever do let me know, it has potential to be an amazing phrase.

  8. Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
    Thank you so much for the chapter!! *-*
    I believe you did a good job as always!
    Thanks for the explanation!

  9. Thank you for the new chapter release, I hope you have a good week ahead!

  10. Thanks so much for this chapter! I really love this story! I also appreciate your explanation!
    Have a good day!

  11. Thank you for the new chapter.

  12. Thank you so much for the release! And thanks for the explanation, I found it very interesting ^^ Have a great week!

  13. Thank you so much for the new chapter! Thanks for the heads up about the explanation; I will wait to read it until I finish the chapter.

  14. i heart u and your scanlations/translations rock! thanks.

  15. >I will morally debone you
    I nearly spat out my orange juice. I really do appreciate the thought you've put into it though, thank you for the release!

    1. Now can you imagine if someone said that to you in bed! Thanks for coming by :)

  16. Thank you very much! ^^

  17. Thanks so much for the releases!

  18. Thanks for the new chapter!

  19. Thank you very much for this chapter and the note(it would be lovely if you put the note in as an insert)

    1. I might put a shortened note with the next relevant chapter :)

  20. Thank you for the release ^-^

    Hope you have a great week ahead! =D

  21. Thank you so much for another chapter of Tv-kun :)

  22. thank you for the release!
    AHHH "I will morally debone you".... sounds AWESOME, I need to use it someday xDDD

    1. It should become an every day phrase, I know I would use it.

  23. That was fun to read :D thanks

  24. Thank you thank you! And the translation note: that was SO interesting!! I doodle a bit with translation (not good enough to produce anything at an acceptable rate though) and I tend to go for the what-I-think-the-effect-the-mangaka-was-really-going-for rather than the literal translation. It's very enlightening to see how other people go about it. I loved the "he's gonna sex up Sudou to the point that he's lost all his morals and loses himself in pleasure"... to bad there's no short & appropriate way to say this in English (>_<)

    1. Haha, thanks, it was a bit stream-of-consciousness though lol. Keep doodling with it, if anything it works the brain. I like liberal-style as well, it really does take you out of the story when the dialogue is super stilted and awkward. Haha, well I hope my shortening got the jist of it.

    2. "stilted and awkward"! That's so apt! lol sometimes I go over a passage 3-4 times to make it understandable for anyone without a kanji dictionary...

      As for your jist, I find it pretty much spot-on ;)
